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- Nama Perusahaan : PT Espay Debit Indonesia Koe (DANA)
- Bidang : Fintech
- Posisi : 10 Posisi Jabatan Tertera
- Kategori : Berpengalaman
PT Espay Debit Indonesia Koe adalah perusahaan yang menhadirkan produk DANA, salah satu alternatif produk dompet digital di tengah-tengah masyarakat Indonesia. Prinsip DANA adalah menyediakan fasilitas transaksi keuangan non tunai – non kartu, baik secara online maupun offline dengan cepat, praktis dan aman, hanya dengan melalui aplikasi yang diunduh pada telepon pintar penggunanya. DANA menargetkan dua kelompok pengguna utama yaitu perorangan dan pelaku bisnis.
- Product Manager (Innovation)
- Must have domain expertise in one or more of; Software Engineering, Product/UX Design, Banking, Payment System, or other Finance & Technology area of expertise
- Must have experience in one or more Software Development Life-cycle (end-to-end)
- Must have experience in creating product road-map, negotiable with Technical Team, and liaise with all stakeholders for product’s priority, complexity, and feasibility.
- Must have professional working proficiency in English
- Must be able to travel domestically and internationally up to 30%
- Customer-first person; must have empathy to think from Customer’s point of view and understand their current problem
- Creative problem-solver; able to think of few alternative solutions related with the problem and break-down the details
- Data-driven; Must have a strong analytical thinking and able to set the product goals in quantitative manner
- Good to have candidate with experience in Agile Software Development environment
- Good to have candidate with A/B Testing experience
- Good to have candidate with Software Engineering or UX Design experience
- Passionate about the potential of technology to revolutionize traditional Financial Industry, online/offline payment, card-based payment, electronic money, bio-metric, machine learning, or cryptocurrency)
- Excellent teamwork, communication and interpersonal skills
- Ale to work under pressure of tight deadlines
- Able to work in fast-paced and agile environments, collaborating with various levels of personnel including managers, executives, and stakeholders.
- Has experience working for FinTech company is a plus
- Associate Software Development Engineer (Innovation)
- BS/MS in Economic, Financial and/or Computer Science or related degree, or equivalent experience.
- 1 year of product development, relevant experience in the financial or 3rd party payment industry will be a plus.
- Proficient in at least one of the programming languages, and scripting languages.
- Strong logical and innovative thinking, troubleshooting skills, and diagnostic intuition, able to assess the business needs and reflect the value into the product design.
- Love open source tools, and a proven ability to use new tools in creative ways to solve business problems.
- Strong attention to details
- iOS Software Senior Engineer
- Have a great willingness to deliver the best quality code by implementing the basic principles of programming.
- Understand deeply about iOS app and View Controller lifecycle.
- Deep knowledge using iOS APIs and design patterns.
- Understand how to manage different environments and configurations on the iOS projects.
- Understand deeply about iOS local storage.
- Experience in implementing Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern.
- Understand the concept of how reactive programming works.
- Experience using Xcode tools like Debugging, Profiling, and Hierarchy viewer.
- Deep knowledge of Autolayout implementation.
- Understand how to setup push notifications on iOS.
- Able to write the Unit test.
- Deep knowledge on implementing Git branching model and strategy.
- Experience in maintaining code with continuous integration and distribution.
- Experience in shipping apps on App Store from start to finish.
- Able to work in a team and build constructive communication.
- Has experience at least 3 Years in developing iOS apps using Swift or Obj-C
- Project Manager
- Bachelor’s degree in any major that able to manage stakeholder to balance schedules, interests, timelines, and expectations.
- At least 2 to 6 years experience in managing Software Development Project
- Technical skills and knowledge (MS Project, JIRA, Harvest Forecast or any business process/projects management tools)
- Familiar with Agile / SCRUM methodology is highly preferred
- Excellent verbal & written communication skills (both Indonesia and English)
- Interest and passion in digital technology especially in Finance / Fintech industry
- Associate Software Development Engineer (Back-end)
- BS/MS in Economic, Financial and/or Computer Science or related degree, or equivalent experience.
- 1 year of product development, relevant experience in the financial or 3rd party payment industry will be a plus.
- Proficient in at least one of the programming languages, and scripting languages.
- Strong logical and innovative thinking, troubleshooting skills, and diagnostic intuition, able to assess the business needs and reflect the value into the product design.
- Love open source tools, and a proven ability to use new tools in creative ways to solve business problems.
- Strong attention to details
- Senior Software Development Engineer (Back-End)
- Have bachelor’s degree in a technical or scientific field. Software Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or IT preferred, or have engineering wisdom equivalent to 4 years progressive experience
- Experienced in Java, Spring, and Spring Boot technology
- Experienced in MySQL technology
- Experienced leveraging message broker solution
- Experienced building microservice application who communicate with each other using REST API or RPC
- Software Development Engineer (Android)
- Understand the intricacies of the Android Lifecycle.
- Understand and appreciate quality code and architecture, has a SOLID principle in mind alongside with simplicity and efficiency.
- Deep knowledge of Android APIs and design patterns.
- Deep knowledge of using JAVA programming language.
- Experience in implementing reactive programming approach.
- Experience with new android Gradle plugin version 3+.
- Experience with Android Studio tools like Debugging, Hierarchy Viewer, Memory Profiling.
- Experience in implementing a push mechanism using Firebase cloud messaging or Socket.
- Has understanding that unit testing is an investment that worth to implement.
- Able to write unit tests alongside instrumentation tests using Mockito/PowerMockito and Espresso.
- Deep knowledge of implementing Git branching model and strategy.
- Experience in maintaining code with continuous integration and continuous distribution.
- Experience in shipping apps to Play Store.
- Communicate effectively in written and spoken English.
- Has experience at least 3 Years in developing Android apps.
- Software Engineer (iOS)
- Understand and implementing the basic principles of programming.
- Understand about iOS app and view controller lifecycle.
- Experience using iOS APIs and design patterns.
- Familiar with model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) architectural pattern.
- Familiar Xcode tools like debugging and hierarchy viewer.
- Familiar with Autolayout implementation
- Familiar with Git.
- Able to work in a team and build constructive communication.
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
- Software Development Engineer in Test (Back-End)
- Experience working with automation frameworks
- Strong preference for proficiency in JAVA
- Demonstrate experience writing formal test scripts.
- Experience in organizing testing.
- Experience mentoring junior tester.
- Have the passion and dedication to write highly reliable code
- Team player – you love to teach others about cool new tricks you learned and absorb tips and tricks from developers; love solving problems as a team across platforms
- Software Development Engineer in Test Manager
- Experienced in agile project management methodology, including but not limited to Scrum, Kanban, etc. May also know Waterfall methodology.
- Pxperienced in running continuous testing for client-side Platforms, such as Web (including Mobile Web), Android and iOS.
- People-centric, believe that team development and team dynamics is important in delivering a great product.
- Passionate and result-driven. Proud of his/her work yet humble. Can envision the team’s objective and walks the talk.
- Experience in Information and Technology field for at least 7 years. Preferably if has experience in Startup and/or Financial Technology industry.
Should you are interested with the position & meet the qualifications required, please apply trough link below:
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